Are Smoothies Good For You?
While all those things may be true of smoothies, if you've been following me for any amount of time, you know that the idea of salads & smoothies as a way to eat healthy (or even the idea of having a "beach body") is pure misinformation.
HOWEVER, I am fully aware that it is really easy to get sucked into anything we hear or read that will make us healthier!
I mean, we've been conditioned to believe that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," right?
are smoothies healthy?
Summer ti-i-ime, and the livin's easy…
The sun is finally out to play for a while, and it’s also a time for fresh berries, delicious greens, and the need for a cool treat.
When we think healthy food, our brains often go to foods like salads or smoothies.
Loaded with fruits and veg, these foods are the epitome of modern “health foods”.
But it's tricky to fit salads into our busy schedules, so we go for smoothies instead. We opt for smoothies because they are:
A Sweet Treat.
And Easy to Grab and Go.
While all those things may be true of smoothies, if you've been following me for any amount of time, you know that the idea of salads & smoothies as a way to eat healthy is pure misinformation.
HOWEVER, I am fully aware that it is really easy to get sucked into anything we hear or read that will make us healthier!
I mean, we've been conditioned to believe that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," right?
Well, my friend - I am here to rock your world.
I am not suggesting smoothies in and of themselves are unhealthy for you.
Not at all.
But it’s important to look at all the information.
I became a holistic nutrition expert because I want to offer factual information that will help you change the way you view health and advocate for your body. And to do that, you need to have a better understanding of how your body works.
I love to debunk misinformation I hear and offer facts to help you make more educated choices.
So, I'm about to say something you may not have heard before...
It's true, there are health benefits to smoothies, mostly in the realm of concentrated nutrients.
But what if I told you your body can't absorb and use those nutrients very effectively? Would it actually be more nutritional to eat a cheeseburger?
Let's talk about it.
the dirty truth about smoothies
What are the primary reasons you drink smoothies?
high concentration of antioxidants & nutrients
sweet treat
filling without too many calories
easy to carry
We drink smoothies because we are busy, and we want to eat healthy, and we want a choice that will be easy to consume while we juggle our busy life.
Are we on the same page so far?
Now, let's review a little Digestion 101.
In order to digest food, our body must be using its parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), meaning, you must be relaxed & not multitasking while eating. Our brains recognize rushing around (even if you’re not feeling "stressed") as a stressor, and respond with the sympathetic nervous system (known as fight or flight), which actually inhibits digestion.
Proper chewing begins the digestive process by releasing enzymes in your saliva to begin the breakdown of food. The type of food you eat will tell your brain which enzymes are needed.
If switched into rest and digest state, once food enters the stomach, hydrochloric acid (AKA stomach acid, or HCl) is released to disinfect the food, and triggers other enzymes to be released or activated.
The now acidic food is neutralized as it begins to enter into your small intestines, which is where nutrients are transported through the wall of the intestines, and into your bloodstream, where they are carried to the liver to be delegated. If digestion is not working properly, this is where foods that are not properly broken down will enter the bloodstream, causing damage to the gut lining, and food sensitivities.
The large intestine is where the majority of water and fats are absorbed into the bloodstream. The fiber that remains (fiber is undigestible by human enzymes but is needed to feed our "good" bacteria) will feed our microbiome, and anything left will be excreted as waste.
why smoothies should not be considered a health food
So, now that you can see the big picture, let's break it down some more.
We know that eating while on-the-go (sympathetic nervous system), inhibits our digestive processes altogether.
Not properly chewing inhibits your body’s ability to produce adequate enzymes & HCl.
Drinking smoothies while on-the-go (as we typically do) ensures we are not getting the nutrients we intend, and is actually causing damage to our gut health.
So, it's fair to ask the question, are you really improving your health by drinking smoothies?
I'm not saying smoothies are bad for you... Smoothies are not the villain.
But the dirty truth is, if you are not sipping that smoothie while seated at a table with friends or family, or on a park bench, and not scrolling through your phone, AND if you're not "chewing" your smoothie - your smoothies are doing far more harm than good.
So... How do we get past this? Do I have to STOP drinking smoothies in order to eat healthy?
Smoothies, when properly made and consumed, are a phenomenal source of fiber, antioxidants, minerals, & other nutrients.
how to ensure your smoothies are doing more good than harm:
think small - if you wouldn't eat a bundle of spinach and a pint of blueberries in one sitting, don't put that in your smoothie.
change it up - our body needs a variety of nutrients, many of which are called "cofactors," meaning, it is needed in order to make a system or other nutrient function properly. Change up what you put in your smoothie - choose seasonal foods, and try to rotate them throughout the week.
make it green! - it is easy with smoothies to fill it up with more sugary fruits, like berries and bananas. Opt for more greens than fruits in your smoothies, and don't be shy with the fats and proteins (nuts, seeds, and whole milk plain yogurt are great for this!). The abundance of fiber, fat, and protein will help your blood sugar to stay steady (that "hangry" feeling you get a couple of hours after a smoothie, will DISAPPEAR).
BONUS TIP FOR MAXIMIZING NUTRITION: Change it up! Tempted to always grab that bag of kale or spinach for your smoothies? A variety of foods will improve the variety of nutrients you get from your smoothies, and will prevent food sensitivities from developing.
sit down to drink it (driving does not count!) - as with any meal, it is crucial to switch our body into "rest & digest" mode. Before you take your first sip, sit down at a table, on a park bench, or on your stoop, turn off your computer/phone/TV, and take 5 long, deep breaths.
"chew" your smoothie - Take smaller sips, and allow the smoothie to stay in your mouth for a few seconds. You will notice the volume will increase in your mouth - this is your salivary digestive enzymes being released! Give them space to do their job!
**For those who don't like the feeling of leaving smoothie in their mouth for so long, I recommend adding some seeds or cacao nibs in the last few seconds of blending of the smoothie, chopping them up just enough to get through the straw. This will give you something to chew on with every sip.
my favorite smoothie recipe
Here is one of my favorite go-to smoothie recipes:
1/4 granny smith apple (core and peel intact)
fingertip-sized cut of ginger, peeled
squeeze of lemon juice
handful of dark greens (dandelion, kale, arugula)
handful of wild blueberries
just enough liquid to help it blend (I like to use cow's milk or cashew milk)
raw pumpkin seeds - blend thoroughly to add creaminess to your smoothie, then add a few more in the last few seconds to give you something to chew on)
When I want to add more "umph" I toss in a dollop of whole milk plain yogurt, a hefty spoon of nut butter, or a scoop of quality collagen peptides.
Smoothie blending tips and tricks
Add your chunky bits and liquids first, then greens on top. These bits are easier for most blenders to "grab," then the momentum will allow the greens to blend in nicely.
Start on a lower speed to chop first. Once you have the texture of a nice pico de gallo, increase to a higher speed to smooth it out. This prevents the dreaded **blade is spinning, but food is not catching** scenario (there's gotta be a name for that, right?)
What are the foods you LOVE to put in your smoothies?
Share your smoothie loves in the comments!