Candida Symptoms | Nail Fungus Treatment | Yeast Infection Symptoms

Candida symptoms and treatment

People don’t come to see me for help with Candida overgrowth, because many people don’t know what candida symptoms look like.

Chronic nail fungus infections and chronic yeast infections are two very obvious indications that candida overgrowth may be present in the gut.

But what are the more subtle candida symptoms? What are symptoms of candida that often get misdiagnosed as mere digestive health issues, or skin conditions like acne?

This article will help you recognize and address common candida symptoms, and offer resources for lab testing, and candida treatment tools, such as a candida diet meal plan.

what is candida?

Candida is a parasitic yeast that can live on your skin, in your mouth, and in your intestines (1). Commonly known as candida albicans, this structure is commonly present in small amounts in most humans and can be relatively harmless if in good balance with good bacteria also living in the gut.

The candida species commonly found in humans can also help reduce heavy metal toxicity in the body (2).

The problem is, in our modern world riddled with poor gut health due to chronic stress and heavily processed foods, candida becomes overgrown, and the negative effects of candida overgrowth far outweigh the benefits of candida within the normal range.

When candida is out of balance with other microbial factors in the gut, it takes over. Candida albicans will implant itself with a root-like structure into cells and tissues, really anchoring them into their new home (your gut). They use tail-like protrusions called flagella to wave around and leech nutrients from the foods you consume, leaving you more hungry, and making you susceptible to blood sugar issues like insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.

This implantation technique enables them to evade the immune system and makes it more difficult to see using some lab testing techniques. It is also the reason a very meticulous strategy accompanied by a qualified practitioner is necessary to fully eradicate candida overgrowth.

candida symptoms

As we discussed earlier, it’s true that skin conditions such as nail fungus infections, thrush (yeast infection in the mouth), and chronic vaginal yeast infections are the more obvious signs of candida overgrowth. One issue with this is many healthcare practitioners will still just treat the nail fungus or yeast infection symptoms, but they don’t test for internal candida overgrowth.

And if you could eliminate the candida overgrowth in the gut, you can bet top dollar that your nail fungus infections, thrush, and chronic vaginal yeast infection symptoms will disappear.


  • brain fog

  • bloating

  • constipation

  • frequent hunger

  • sugar or carb cravings

  • poor stress management

  • eczema

  • acne

  • depression or anxiety symptoms

  • blood sugar management issues (irritability, headache, or shaky when hungry)

  • chronic nail fungus on fingernails or toenails

  • chronic vaginal yeast infection symptoms

  • chronic thrush, or yeast infection symptoms in the mouth

  • difficulty losing weight

  • weight gain around the belly and hips

  • signs of insulin resistance


  • worsening of candida symptoms mentioned above

  • chronic inflammation and cell danger response

  • adrenal insufficiency

  • suppressed immune system

  • autoimmune disease

  • thyroid issues

how did you get candida?

It is not possible to know exactly where your candida overgrowth came from. Candida can be present in food, and if you know anything about fermentation, sourdough, winemaking, or beer brewing, you probably know that yeast loves sugar.

The process of fermentation requires the yeast to eat sugars.

An individualized assessment is necessary to understand how your lifestyle and eating habits might be contributing to candida symptoms. When my clients test positive for candida overgrowth, here are some common dietary and lifestyle factors I find:

  • consume many packaged foods (even “health” foods can be heavily processed)

  • consume meals that are poorly balanced in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

  • have a history of chronic stress or trauma

  • are constantly grazing, rarely sitting down for a satiating meal (part of this is due to their constant hunger from the candida)

  • moderate-to-high consumption of alcohol, energy drinks, protein shakes, etc.

  • have taken antibiotics for at least one month at any point in their lifetime

getting rid of candida symptoms

You can’t get rid of candida symptoms by merely addressing them individually. You must get at the root cause, first.

The first step to getting rid of candida symptoms is to get functional lab testing to confirm whether candida is indeed, the root cause, and whether or not other microbial disturbances might be at play.

If candida overgrowth is confirmed with testing, then candida treatment typically involves a strategic approach with antifungal medications and botanicals, dietary changes to prevent further candida growth, and lifestyle changes to support mindful eating and stress.

Here are some resources I have developed to help you figure out if your symptoms are candida related, and how to address them at the root:

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  1. professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). Candida albicans: Infections, symptoms & treatments. Cleveland Clinic.

  2. Moreno, A., Demitri, N., Ruiz-Baca, E., Vega-González, A., Polentarutti, M., & Cuéllar-Cruz, M. (2019, November). Bioreduction of precious and heavy metals by candida species under oxidative stress conditions. Microbial biotechnology.

Hilary Beckwith

Hilary is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®️ by the NANP. Years of working in the field of Physical & Regenerative Medicine, paired with her own hormonal dysfunction, chronic pain, & disordered eating tendencies, is what sparked her interest in nutrition.

She launched Well Roots in September 2021, providing nutritional support for individuals dealing with chronic inflammation, autoimmune dysfunction, & PCOS. She helps people to stop fixating on food, and feel amazing in their bodies.

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